Saturday 26 April 2014

Lazy Saturday

I had a really good day yesterday. It was cold and rainy and cosy so I had a relaxing (and productive) home day. I made yummy jam drops, designed some stickers (more on that in a few days or so), experimented with gouache some more and drank a whole pot of tea (Whoops! haha). 

I painted my cat Pumpkin (who is pure black so gouache is good for painting him because I could do the details in white). I had to leave him at my parent's house when I moved interstate because my Melbourne apartment doesn't allow pets, and I miss him a lot. 

I've been really stressed out and busy lately so it was really nice and beneficial to have a day to myself where I didn't do anything for other people.

I hope your all having a lovely weekend too.

x Grace

Sunday 20 April 2014

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Rainy Days: A User's Manual

I made another zine! this one is about rainy days. I think I'm getting a bit addicted to zines, They're so much fun to make! (I also buy way to many but that's a whole other thing haha) You can get this one from my shop (or if you've made a zine I'm open to trades)